Animal Life
Leave Me Alone
This aging dog seemed to just want to be left alone to lay in the sunshine. He was an easy subject to paint as he stayed still.
Pussy On The Quilt
This picture was painted a couple of years ago but never got on the website, so here it is now.
Tucked In
This gracful swan showed me some action that made me take the challenge to paint. Swans are quite close to humans as long as they are in the water, they are quite at home.
Slug On the Path
Most people go Yooo when they see this picture but when I saw this creature and all the colour of the rocks and vegetation around him, I couldn't help but see a picture here. What's your reaction?
Seen at Coast Collective Gift Shop where this painting is showing.
Mommy Swan
Small painting that was shown at the Showcase of the Arts Show April 10,11, 2010 and sold.