Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

Watercolour 11x14 

sea of Galilee 18 Mobile

Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai  

Watercolour on handmade paper - 11x14 

Mt Sinai 18 Mobile


Water over the Rocks

2. water over rocks Oct 2017 smWater over the Rocks

Psaml  104:8 "They flowed over the mountains,they went down into the valeys to the place you assigned for them."

Watercolour 8x10 



2. Volcano v 32 Feb 2017 SmallVolcano

Psalm 104:32

"He who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mounians and they smoke."

Watercolour 14x11 


Sun Streaks over the water

2. sky over water v 6 Feb 18 SmallSun Streaks over the water" Ps 104:6 

"You covered it with  the watery depths as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains"

Watercolour 14x18 


Wild Goats

2 Mountain goats Feb 2018 SmallWild Goats - Ps. 104:18 

"The High Mountains belong to the wild goats"

Watercolour 16x20 SOLD


Baby Elephant

Psalm 104:24 How many are your works, Lord!

In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures, 

Watercolour painting 20x16 

2 Baby Ele Apr 2018 sm  


IMG 7865 MobileRhinoseros 

Watercolour 11x14  

Sea Turtle

Psalm 104:25 Sea TurtleSea Turtle Watercolour 16x20 

Spring Chicks

Ps 104 30 smSpring Chicks - Psalm 104:30 "You renew the face of the ground" Watercolour 16x20 



Contact Information

You may reach Dorothy Donovan via Email or Telephone -- CLICK HERE
You may reach Judi Blanchard via Email or Telephone -- CLICK HERE